About Us


The Knights of Columbus is a lay Catholic family fraternal service organization. Membership in the Knights of Columbus is open to all practical Catholic men in communion with the Holy See, age eighteen and above. The term practical Catholic implies that a person accepts and abides by the Commandments of God and the precepts and tenets of the Catholic church.
One of the primary missions of the Knights of Columbus is to support local charities. Here are some of the causes we have supported in the recent past:

  • Right to Life Projects (Birth Haven and Good Council Homes),
  • Department for People With Disabilities,
  • Montville Baseball/Softball Association,
  • St. Pius X parish community,
  • Passaic County Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Prevention,
  • Montville Project Graduation,
  • Montville Food Pantry
  • Tsunami/Earthquake/Hurricane Disaster Victims,
  • St. John's Soup Kitchen, Boonton, NJ.

There are many good reasons why you may find membership in the Knights an enriching experience. This is what some of our members said about the Knights:

An opportunity to become part of the world's largest Catholic fraternal organization.
A great way to make a personal contribution to the Church and community through charity and fraternity.
Active participation in Council activities serves as a "school of leadership" which will enable you to develop qualities that enhance your strengths and abilities.
A sense of "belonging" in an organization that shares your religious beliefs and brings to together like-minded men joined in a common cause.
Concerns for your family and your retirement years can be addressed by the Orders optional, low-cost life insurance.
A sense of pride, knowing that the Knights of Columbus is second to none in support of our Holy Father, our Bishops and Priests, and our fellow man.

If this interests you, you may email our Grand Knight , Worthy Grand Knight Alex Martello. (alexmartello3rd@gmail.com) for more information, or call him at (973) 768-3524. You will also find additional information at some of the sites on our Links page.

News Bulletin: E-Membership

Joining the Knights of Columbus can now be done from the comfort of your computer, through .  Men, over the age of 18 years of age, who are practical Catholics can join the Knights of Columbus on line. Learn more by following

this link.

After you have learned more about what it means to be a Knight of Columbus you may apply HERE.

You will immediately become a member, eligible for the insurance benefits, and when you are ready, you can join a local Council.