Friday April 11, 2025.
Friday April 11, 2025...
St. Pius X Knights of Columbus Famous Fish Fry
5:00PM - 7:00PM Fish or Chicken Dinners
Take Out + Drink = $20 pre-order before 4/6/25
Take Out + Drink = $25 on 4/7/25 and after
At St. Pius X Church, 24 Changebridge Road, Montville, NJ 070745 to order Tickets, please call Greg at 973-714-4945.
This show is a track show without musicians.
Please take a look around our site for information about who we are, what we do, upcoming events, and how to join. You may want to start with the page entitled "About Us". For additional information about our council, please email our Grand Knight Alex Martello ( You will find additional contact information on our Contacts page.
Knights, please visit our site to keep up to date on Coming Events, especially if you had to miss a meeting for some reason. If you missed the chance to sign up for a Council sponsored event, you will find here the person to contact. You will also find information about past events on this site, notably in our Photo Gallery. Did you know that you can find any Knights Council in the world on the Web? You will find this on the Supreme Council web site. Check our Links page for this and other useful references.